Wednesday, August 20, 2014

What is the Acre Lab?

So, what is the Acre Lab? It consists of  two lab spaces, an external lab and internal lab. The external lab consists of approximately 0.9 acres and will house the garden, livestock, and other related items. See Figures 1 and 2 below.

Fig 1: External lab space
Fig 2: Internal lab space

The internal lab space consists of a couple of 3D printers, soldering iron, etc.... The stuff that I will need for bringing the technological aspect to the Acre Lab. During the cold Utah winters, I will spend most of my free time in the internal lab space developing projects to deploy in the external lab that follow spring.  Right now, that list of projects is quite long:

  • Chicken Coop
  • Rabbitery
  • Garden vitals monitoring system
  • Better composting system
  • Better irrigation system
  • 2015 Garden Plan
  • Growing my own plant starts
So, as I go along with these projects I will update them here.

The history behind the Acre Lab is that the ground has been within my family for generations. My grandfather and grandmother grew a garden on this land and another adjoining piece of land for decades. I hope to do the same on this portion. I want to leverage tools or create tools that were not available to them to increase the quality of crops and the ease of gardening. I also want to pass along the love of working the land to my own children.